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Heidelberger Druckmaschinen has been a reliable and highly innovative partner to the global printing industry for many years. For more than 160 years we have stood for quality and future viability. This means that we are a company with a long tradition, but at the same time we help define the future trends in our industry thanks to state-of-the-art technologies and innovative business ideas.

Our mission is to shape the digital future of our industry. The effects of the general digitization of society can always be seen – moving away from mass production and towards individualization.
But with everything that is new, the old values are always retained. Customers are at the heart of our business, and our customer-centric approach is continually advanced. We have geared our portfolio towards the growth areas of our industry. It is based on products for prepress, printing and further processing, service, consumables and software solutions, with a strong focus on a digital future. Also and above all, the potential resulting from combining individual product portfolio offerings to create an end-to-end productive solution for customers must be leveraged to increase productivity and profitability for us and our customers. Beyond the printing industry, we are also addressing new markets with our digital platform for industrial customers.